XX091-04-01 Rev 104 AurorAcorD
Quick Programming: Easy Setup
Note: The AurorAcorD is shipped with preprogrammed factory defaults. Programming the AurorAcorD customizes it to your
specific requirements but is not mandatory.
1 Easy Setup Menu
2 Main Menu
3 Camera Calibration
4 Save/Restore Menu
5 Language
6 FAQ Screen
7 About AurorAcorD
to Choose. MENU to Exit.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Next Easy Menu
2 Time Display:
Always On
3 Date Display:
Always On
4 Camera Title:
3 sec fade
5 Rcvr Status:
Always On
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Next Easy Menu
2 Time Display:
Always On
3 Date Display:
Always On
4 Camera Title:
3 sec fade
5 Rcvr Status:
Always On
6 Zoom Window: 3 sec fade
7 Optimized for:
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
09:27:39 AM 02/22/00 Tue
to Change.
1 Next Easy Menu
2 Title: CAMERA 16
3 Alarm Pin: In/Norm. Open
4 Update Priority: High
5 Motion Setup
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Next Easy Menu
2 Title: CAMERA 01
3 Alarm Contact: In/Norm. Open
4 Update Priority: High
5 Camera Motion Setup
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
Follow these instructions to use the Easy Setup menus to quickly and easily perform
basic programming procedures.
1. Press Menu after applying power to your AurorAcorD to display the Menu Selection
screen, as shown to the right. Then press Play to access the Easy Time/Date Setup
Note: Use the Time/Date Setup menus to define the date format (European, American
or Asian) and whether the time is Daylight Saving Time or Standard Time. You
may not make these changes using the Easy Setup menus. Factory defaults are
American format (month/day/year) and Auto DST Adjust set to No, which means
that you would have to adjust the time for daylight saving instead of having the
AurorAcorD adjust the time automatically.
2. Use the onscreen instructions to correct the time, AM or PM, and the date. The day
of the week will change automatically to reflect the date that you set.
3. All settings on the screen to the left refer to the Main Display Monitors. Set the time,
date, camera titles, receiver status message and zoom window to always display
(Always On), never display (Always Off) or to disappear from the screen after a
specified number of seconds (1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 Second Fade). Zoom
window refers to an area that displays in the lower right hand side of the screen, to
indicate which part of the image is being digitally zoomed in or out. Factory defaults
are Always On for Time Display, Date Display and Receiver Status and 3 Second
Fade for Camera Title and Zoom Window.
One VGA and one BNC connector are provided for the two Main Display Monitors.
For NTSC, select the connector on which you want to optimize the video output (not
applicable for PAL) using the Optimized For setting. Optimization for VGA will use
720 pixels; optimization for BNC will use 640 pixels. The factory default is
Optimized For BNC.
Use the applicable information in this step (disregard Zoom Window Status and
Optimized For settings) to set the date, time, camera title and receiver status
message displays on the Spot Monitor.
Continuing through the menus to the Camera 1 Easy Setup menu, define the
Camera Title or leave the default title of Camera X, where “X” refers to the camera
number. Each camera title may be up to 12 characters long. The screen shown
here is available from the Title line of the Camera Easy Setup menu. Use the
onscreen instructions to define the title.
# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :
S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j
Title: CAMERA 04
to Move Cursor in Title
to Change a Character
SEQ MPTZ to Select a Row
ZOOM+/- to Insert/Delete
Press ENTER when done.
5. Define the Alarm Contact for camera to be an input or output and define the alarm
device state as normally open (alarm activates when contacts close), normally
closed (alarm activates when contacts open), active high (alarm activates at +5 V
TTL) or active low (alarm activates at TTL level 0 V). Select High for the Update
Priority field to update video more quickly relative to the Normal setting. Use High
for more critical viewing locations. The Normal setting should be chosen for less
important viewing areas.
6. Select the Camera Motion Setup field as shown in the menu path below.