XX091-04-01 Rev 104 AurorAcorD
previous procedure, you do not need to do so again here. If you did not previously define the contacts,
select Alarm Contacts from the Alarm Outputs screen.
3. Use lines 5-8 of the Alarm Contacts screen to globally set all of the contacts as normally open or closed
inputs or as active high or low outputs. A normally open device activates an alarm when the contacts
close (normally open is the normal state for the contacts). The reverse is true for normally closed devices
(alarms activate when the contacts are open). For outputs, choose Out/Active High (alarms activate when
the TTL logic state goes high (+5 volts)) or Out/Active Low (alarms activate when the TTL logic state goes
low (0 volts)). To set contacts individually, proceed to the next step.
4. Select In/Out Contacts from the Alarm Contacts screen to define each contact individually.
5. Define each alarm connected to the 37-pin alarm connector as an input to the AurorAcorD or as an output
from the AurorAcorD, using the definitions in the step above for normally open/closed and active high/low.
6. Return to the Alarm Outputs screen and enable the Alarm Buzzer by setting it to sound on all alarms or
on a specific alarm. The buzzer will not sound unless it is enabled.
7. The AurorAcorD includes a dry contact alarm signal on pins 19 (normally open), 36 (ground) and 37
(normally closed) of the 37-pin alarm connector. Use either a normally open or normally closed device
(only one relay may be connected). Enable the Alarm Relay setting by choosing it to activate on any
alarm or on a specified alarm.
Screen Field
Alarm Outputs
Alarm Buzzer
On Any Alarm
On Camera “X” Alarm
Alarm Relay
On Any Alarm
On Camera “X” Alarm
Alarm Format, Sequencing and Messages
Use this procedure to define:
on which monitors the alarm message should display
the display format during alarms
color of the alarm message text and
video sequencing during alarms.
1. Access the Alarm Display screen using the menu path below.
1 Alarm Message: Main + Spot
2 Alrm Text Color: BrRed
3 Format: No Change
4 Main Display Seq: No Change
5 Spot Monitor Seq: No Change
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Alarm Inputs
2 Alarm Outputs
3 Alarm Display
4 Alarm Auto Acknowledge
5 Alarm On/Off Actions
6 Use Alarm Defaults
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Display Setup
2 Camera Setup
3 Alarm Setup
4 Serial Port Setup
5 Time/Date Setup
6 Record/Playback Setup
7 System Setup
8 Disk Functions
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
2. The alarm message lists the camera numbers of all cameras with an active alarm. Set the Alarm
Message to Off (no display), Both (displays on both Main Display monitors and on the Spot monitor),
Main Display (displays on both Main Display monitors but not the Spot monitor) or Spot Monitor (displays
on the Spot monitor only).
3. Define the Alarm Text Color if desired.