P 225
Ventilator Y3 pellets
Setting the actual ventilator output for pellets as the fuel relating to 66% ventilator output
P 226
Ventilator X4 pellets
It regards the percentage value of ventilator output
Value 100 represents 100% ventilator output and the actual ventilator output of parameter 227 is
assigned to this value. Note: This parameter cannot be changed
P 227
Ventilator Y4 pellets
Setting the actual ventilator output for pellets as the fuel relating to 100% ventilator output
P 228
Ventilator slowing-down in the attenuation regime– pellets
Setting the ventilator slowing-down in the attenuation regime against the feeder runtime in the
attenuation regime
P 229
Ventilator output in the attenuation – pellets
Setting the ventilator output in the attenuation regime
P 231
Superior control (regulation)
Value 0 – is not the current requirement from the superior control
Value 1 - is the current requirement from the superior control
P 232
Outside sensor deactivation
The value 0 – outside sensor deactivation; this deactivation can only be used in case the QAA 88
device is as the space unit and then it regards the pure space control.
The value 1 – active outside sensor
Note: The use of the outside sensor is recommended by the manufacturer
P 233
HC Diagnostics
The represented value serves for service purposes and current HC status idenfification.
P 234
Boiler diagnostics
The represented value serves for service purposes and current boilerstatus idenfification.
P 235
Restoration of manufacturer´s setting
The value 1 – activates the parameter and the manufacturer’s setting is restored.
P 238
Settting the current year
P 239
Settting the current date
P 240
Settting the current time