Connect the equipment to the mains (insert the plug into socket). Put the main switch (circuit breaker) in
the service box into the 1 position. By starting the ventilator (by pressing the blue button) in the service
box the burner tightness is checked. All air must flow into the combustion are in a retort and boiler grate.
The check must be focused on the seating faces:
Of the fan in the mouthpiece
Around the burner cleaning opening
Of boiler grate with the burner. If
any leakages appear, the fire grate
must be taken out, the old boiler
mastic must be removed from the
seating faces and an adequate
quantity of new mastic must be
applied to them and the fire grate
must be installed back into the
burner. (Note: At the boiler front
view the fire grate trim must be
done on the left-hand side on the
left and on the right-hand side on
the right). Repeat the control.
e) Connection to the electricity network
The boiler is connected through a movable connection by means of a plug standardized socket
230 V/50 Hz/10 A. The protection against electric shock muset be ensured according to
SN 33 2000 - 4 - 41.
Setting of parameters before the equipment start-up
Parameters necessary for equipment start-up
Before you make a fire you must set following parameters:
Set by the
P 20
Fuel type
P 238
P 239
P 240
These parameters are necessary for equipment start-up and other parameters can be modified as need may
be or after the discussion with the technician.
Setting P 238 – 240 parameters is important for the boiler operation in time regimes. If the supply outage
lasts longer than approx. 3 days (it depends on the number of regulator operating hours) set current time a
date after the supply restoration.
We recommend checking the time periods for warm water and heating circuit (see table no. 6 and 7). These
parameters can be modified by customer as need may bet. Three time periods can be used.
Parameters modification according to the type of heated building
Set by the
P 80
Building constant
P 86
Heating system
In case HW heating is not used set 0 at P 42 parameter. HW heating will be ignored also in case of
connected HW sensor. HW sensor fault will not be signalled.
To the point marked with
a caterpillar apply the
boiler cement and lay up
the grate. It is necessary
to ensure the tightness
between the burner and
the grate.