solution. Turn pump on . Be sure V2 and V3 valves are closed.
Faucets need to be open and then closed when liquid appears.
Pump will stop when full pressure is achieved.
3. Should you wish to sanitize the tank, open V3 allowing water to
flow into tank and pressure will be released. Pump will start
again and run until solution is all gone.
4. Now close V1 and V2 with V3 open, add additional water to tank
through the city water fill, 10 to 20 gallons. Faucets may be
5. Allow this solution to remain in system for 3 hours.
6. Drain this water solution and flush with fresh water.
7. Should you have a chlorine taste, prepare a solution of 1 quart of
vinegar to 5 gallons of water. Place this solution in lines as
previous method. Leave in system for 24 hours.
8. Drain and flush with fresh water.
9. Your system is now ready to use.
10. Turn pump off when not being used.
When sanitizing is complete, remember to close V1 and open V2 for
normal use.
The slide outs containing kitchens, will have flexible hoses installed
on both fresh water lines and drain lines. Make sure there are no
obstructions to allow free flow, and prevent any leakage.
Drainage (Fresh Water)
All permanent fresh water tanks can be drained. The type of drain
used is a turn valve with open/close position. This drain is located
under the floor underbelly.
To drain the supply lines and the entire system, you need to follow
the steps listed below. Locate the valve placed at the floor level or
close to the floor, found under the dinette, storage cabinet, or sofa.
These valves will be at the lowest point of the water lines.
To Drain System:
1. Open all faucets including optional exterior shower.
2. Open the fresh water tank drain.
3. Open the water heater drain.
4. Open all (two to four) low-point drains.
5. Open the toilet valve, hold or block if need be.
6. To empty the pump, start and allow to run up to 20 seconds.
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