Interior, Cargo Area
* Cargo Area. When sleeping or occupying this area, care must
be taken. There are two vents, one located on each side. These
vents must be open if the presence of gasoline filled equipment is
in the cargo area.
Sleeping commendations. Available option is a power lift bed.
This bed assembly is attached to the sidewall at all four corners
of the bed. Bed assembly can be raised or lowered as needed
through a 12 volt D.C. motor source. Switch is located on the
sidewall. The power bed assembly can be raised to the ceiling
allowing storage.
The available options: (1) One bed with 1 matt (2) Two beds with a
matt on each. (3) Sit N Sleep is s set of dinette cushions attached to
a special frame, mounted onto power bed. Center part will flip over
and become back seat for a dinette. In bed position all four cushions
form into a bed.
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