Tire Size
To maintain tire safety, purchase new tires that are the same size
and load rating as the vehicle’s original tires or another size
recommended by the manufacturer. Look at the tire information
placards, or the sidewall of the tire you are replacing to find this
information. If you have any doubt about the correct size to choose,
consult with the tire dealer.
Tire Tread
The tire tread provides the gripping action and traction that prevent
your vehicle from slipping or sliding, especially when the road is wet
or icy. In general, tires are not safe and should be replaced when
the tread is worn down to 1/16 of an inch. Tires have built-in tread
wear indicators that will let you know when it is time to replace your
tires. These indicators are raised sections spaced intermittently in
the bottom of the tread grooves. When they appear “even” with the
outside of the tread, it is time to replace your tires. Another method
for checking tread depth is to place a penny in the tread with
Lincoln’s head upside down and facing you. If you can see the top
of Lincoln’s head, you are ready for new tires.
Tire Balance and Wheel Alignment
Tires are not balanced on your unit, nor is it required. You may
choose to balance the tires on your unit, however this will not be
covered under warranty.
Wheel alignments may be needed periodically due to road hazards,
such as pot holes, etc. This also is not covered under warranty, due
to being a uncontrollable element. Wheel alignments, will assist with
getting the maximum life from your tires. Alignments require special
equipment, and should be performed by a qualified technician.
Tire Repair
The proper repair of a punctured tire requires a plug for the hole and
a patch for the area inside the tire that surrounds the puncture hole.
Punctures through the tread can be repaired if they are not too
large, but punctures to the sidewall should not be repaired. Tires
must be removed from the rim to be properly inspected before being
plugged and patched.
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