Weight rating and limit on the power bed is 600 pounds static,
(stationary) and 450 pounds dynamic (moving ).
Rear Cargo Door
Rear door on Toy hauler is “ spring loaded “, also known as having
preset and designed springs attached along with hinge assembly at
the bottom of the door. As you lift up or down these springs support
most of the weight. A latch on each side ensures tightness when
closed. Handle will latch into lock when closed. Lock may be
secured with key.
Fuel Cell
The fuel cell system was developed for each owner
to carry gasoline in a tank installed under the frame between two
special cross members welded to the frame. The tank is attached
with three cross bars bolted to the frame members with grade #5
bolts and nuts. Fuel in the single tank will supply gasoline for
generator plus any toys having a gasoline motor. When dual tanks
are installed, front tank feeds only generator and rear tank supplies
fuel to be dispersed to a motorized vehicle. Each tank will have its
own gauge giving fuel available in tank. Rear tank will have a
pump, hose, and discharge nozzle.
Power for the pump is supplied by a 12 volt battery, or convertor
when 120 AC power is available. It is fused through the 12 volt
panel in the load center.
All required hoses, along with vents are installed. Place nozzle into
tanks and squeeze handle to release fuel into desired container.
WARNING: The nozzle DOES NOT have a “ automatic shutoff”
on it.
DO NOT permit pump to run beyond 5 minutes with nozzle
closed—Damage will occur.
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