A baseline cannot be applied to a sample where the abscissa range of the sample
exceeds that of the baseline. If you change your abscissa range to one outside that of the
baseline, the Cary will display an error message. Also the red text in the ordinate
display which indicates that baseline correction mode is activated will disappear.
Not that all values within the Baseline abscissa range are corrected, even the value
displayed while the Cary is idling at a particular wavelength.
You should be careful applying corrections to samples where the following
parameters are different in the baseline file and the samples. Energy, SBW, Beam Mode,
Source Changeover, Detector Changeover Grating Changeover, Selected Lamp for the
collection, Signal-to-Noise Mode, Slit height and the Independent Control.
Baselines are saved as a part of a batch file. However, if you want, you can also store the
baselines by themselves in a baseline file without the collected data. To do this you
simply select the Baseline (*.CSW) as the Save As Type in the Save As window accessed
from the File | Save Data As menu items. When you want to use the baselines for
another Scan run, you simply open the file using either the File | Open Data command or
click the
button in the Baseline tab of the Setup dialog box.
If you decide that you do not want to use that stored file, but want to collect a new
baseline instead, then the Cary will use the new, collected baseline in
corrections. However, the Baseline tab will still display the name of the baseline in
the baseline file. You need to save the collected data as a batch file if you want the
new baseline included in that file.
All corrections are performed with the raw transmission data that comes directly
from the instrument. These transmission values are then converted into the
selected Y mode for display.
A baseline cannot be applied to a sample where the abscissa range of the sample
exceeds that of the baseline. If you wish to use that baseline then you will need to
reduce the range of the scan by changing the Start and Stop fields on the Cary tab of the
Setup dialog box.
Types of baselines that can be performed.
Choose the type of baseline correction under the Baseline tab in the Setup menu
Baseline Correction
Select this option to apply a baseline correction (Baseline) to the sample scan (S) that is
collected from the instrument as transmission values.
This correction is thus:
Zero/Baseline Correction