H High Performance Universal Inverter User Manual
Chapter 6 Parameter Description
Display of operation panel
Unit place
Multifunctional input terminal Xi
0: Enabled if there is current flowing through
1: Enabled if no current flowing through Xi
Tens place
Multifunctional output terminal Y1
0: Enabled if there is current flowing through
1: Enabled if no current flowing through Y1
Relay output terminal
0: Enable in magnetizing status;
1: Enable in no magnetizing status
When the digital input Xi terminal and COM terminal are short circuited, it may judge whether the input
status is enabled by whether there is current flowing in the terminals.
When the digital output Y1 terminal acts as open collector output, it may judge whether the output status
is enabled by whether there is current flowing in the terminal.
It may judge whether the output status is enabled by whether the relay terminal is in the
6.9 Process PID Close Loop Parameters (Group P8)
Figure 6
31 Schematic diagram for PID
The current control operation mode P0.03 shall be determined before determining the process close loop
reference value.
When the current control operation mode is analog feedback process close loop (P0.03=1), if P1.02 is
set to “0”, it may determine the reference value of the close loop by P8.00. If P1.02 is non
zero value, it
determines the reference value of the close loop by the analog value selected in P1.02.
Analog feedback process close loop control digital voltage
0.00~10.00 V(0.00V)
Proportional gain Kp
0.000 ~ 10.000(0.200)
Integral gain Ki
0.000 ~ 10.000(0.500)
Differential gain Kd
0.000 ~ 10.000(0.000)