SPS J2007003 L064 - Quick Start Guide
Document 850047442 r01 2015 July
Tools required:
Wire cutters and strippers
Torque wrench - 0-65 in-lb (0-10Nm)
Cable crimpers
Sockets - 5/16”, 7/16, etc.
Screwdrivers - Philips #1 and #2, Flat small
Step 2 - Connect Chassis Ground
Lug Landings: #10 double-hole on 5/8-inch center (lugs not
Some applications may rely on frame mounting screws for shelf
ground omitting the chassis ground cable.
Minimum 10 AWG wire is recommended.
Torque 10-32 screws to 30 in-lb (3.4Nm) - 5/16” socket.
This converter shelf provides four +24V outputs. The shelf is powered by adjacent SPS Stackable rectifier shelves.
Install below initial SPS rectifier shelf J2007003L051C (with controller).
No vertical spacing is required. Provide 2 inch minimum clearance at back of shelf for converter airflow.
Refer to Slimline Power System Brochure
for details and accessories.
Quick Start Guide
Critical Power
SPS Stackable Slimline Converter Shelf
Models: J2007003L064
Step 1 - Mount Shelf
1. Reposition mounting ears as required - 4 screws each.
Torque to 25 in-lb (2.8Nm) - Phillips screwdriver.
2. Install Inter-Shelf brackets between adjacent shelves (optional).
Torque to 25 in-lb (2.8Nm) - Phillips screwdriver.
3. Attach shelf to the frame using a minimum of four screws
(two on each side) - 12-24 (provided).
Torque to 35 in-lb (4Nm) - 5/16” socket.
Inter-Shelf Bracket
Mounting Ears
2 Adjacent
Chassis Ground
Step 3 - Connect DC Input
Connections are under rear covers.
1. Install inter-shelf buses joining -48V and RETURN outputs of adjacent shelves.
Four 1/4-20 nuts per bus (provided)
Torque to 65 in-lb (7.3 Nm) - 7/16” socket
RETURN Connections
covers shown
-48V Connections
covers removed
Bus Connection
Inter-shelf bus
2 Adjacent Shelves
SPS Stackable System - example