Valco Cincinnati, Inc.
Section 7 - Job Management Menu
MC032 - MCP-25 Control
Enter the job name.
The job name can consist of any
combination of alphanumeric
characters. You use the scroll buttons
to enter letters and the “-” sign and the
numeric keypad to enter numbers.
Pressing the right arrow key advances
you to the next character place;
pressing the left arrow key takes you
back to the previous character.
Press F2 (YES) to answer yes to the “Save job?” message. The
“ATTENTION: Overwrite current job data?” message displays.
Press F2 (YES). The current job data will be overwritten by the
new information.
If the job has been saved to memory, the “ATTENTION: Overwrite current
job data?” message displays. Follow this step:
Press F2 (YES). The current job data will be overwritten by the
new information.
Step 3—Job-Management Menu with Message
Step 7—Job-Management Menu with Message
Loading a Job - Continued