Remote Playback
Tab Remote Playback on main menu will bring up a calendar view which uses black point to presents the day of month there is
Record Videos.
Press 'Select Channel' button to retrieve the Record Videos of channel from device.
PTZ control
PTZ is Pan-Tilt-Zoom and reflects the movement options of the camera. Tap
to open PTZ mode, it will bring up PTZ control
buttons on the bottom of live page.
You need to Maximize a camera window and open PTZ mode to control the camera. Tab Arrows on the side of camera window to
control camera move side to side or up and down. And other control buttons allow you to do Zoom, Force, Iris, PTZ speed and
Preset, etc. As shown in the follow figures.
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Focus In
Focus Out
Iris In
Iris Out
PTZ Speed