Frame rate:
allow you set net transmittal frame rate. User could select the relative value by pull-down menu.
Bit rate:
allow you set net transmittal bit rate. User could select the relative value by pull-down menu.
When tick-selecting the option, system will record video and audio simultaneously.
In Sub Stream it is possible to set a max. Frame Rate value up to 5FPS for all channels, except for a single channel where it is
possible to set the max. Frame rate value up to 25FPS.
Email set
Click [Main Menu
Email] option to enter into the email set interface shown as below.
SSL: is a security link transport protocol. You can encrypt your communication info (including your email) using SSL to
prevent hackers from monitoring your email or communication info and even your password.
Please set SSL to “On” via Gmail.com server, and set to “Off” via other mail server.
Click [Main menu
Mobile] to enter into the [Mobile] interface shown as Mobile Picture in Section.
User Name:
indicate user name of DVR, and support numbers and characters and 1~15 bits length
User password:
indicate user password of DVR, and also support numbers and characters and 1~15 bits length
Server port:
Mobile monitoring port. Setting range is between 1024 and 65535.
SMTP Port:
indicate one kind of mail transmittal port opened by Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The port
number for most mails is 25 except such as Gmail server (Port No.: 465).
SMTP server:
indicates server address you used.
Sender address:
indicates sender’s email address. The email address should be consistent with the server you use. That
is to say, when you use email address –
, the according server should be smtp.gmail.com.
Sender Pwd:
Set the Password assigned to the sender Email Account.
Receiver address:
indicates receiver’s email address. The email address is used to receive image transmitted from DVR
alarm. Please clear the images you have received as soon as possible to avoid overloading your email account.
It is possible to set the minutes value that the Email is sent with attachments.
When configuring the messages sent via e-mail (Main menu
Alarms), to ensure the correct operation it is
suggested to configure a user account (that is sender address and password) with the same address as the SMTP Server. For
example, if an address like
is used, the SMTP must be “