VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 61
Copyright © 2013, United Process Controls Inc.
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Command Description
Displays 16 rows by 16 bytes of memory
Displays all values in EEPROM
Programs EEPROM for RAM values
Loads RAM EEPROM area with FLASH defaults
Displays status of processor
Writes a byte from EEPROM to RAM EEPROM mirror or writes data to RAM.
Exits Monitor mode
Resets processor idle counter
The Versapro is placed into Monitor mode when the <Enter> and <Rem> keys on the instrument are pressed
simultaneously and held for about 5 seconds. The LCD display will display the prompt ‘MONITOR MODE’ and
the LED display will be blank. The instrument also sends banner and prompt character to the HyperTerminal
screen. The following figure shows this display.
At the ‘>’ prompt type any of the above commands.
At this point the instrument is not performing any process or control functions but is only waiting for Monitor
mode commands.
19.4 ‘D’ Display Command
The ‘D’ command is a multiple character command that displays a block of memory. The command format is
D xxxx <Enter>. The xxxx is any memory location in four character hexadecimal format. The <Enter> is
pressing the computer keyboard <Enter> key.
If no memory starting address is entered the Monitor assumes a starting location of 0000. Each line of the
display starts with the first memory address followed by 16 bytes of data stored in the following 16 memory
locations. 16 lines are displays, showing 255 bytes of data.
The range of memory must be between 0000 and FFFF. The display will wrap to the beginning of the memory
if it exceeds the limit of the FFFF location. Some of the zero page memory values will change when the
Monitor mode is started. This command is useful for looking at data in upper memory that stays relatively
19.5 ‘L’ Write FLASH to RAM Defaults
The ‘L’ command is the first command used to program the EEPROM with default values in FLASH. The
EEPROM is written for a RAM area that mirrors the structure of the EEPROM. To initialize the EEPROM it is
first necessary to write the default values from FLASH into the RAM mirror.
This is a single character command that is sent to the instrument when the character is typed at the
HyperTerminal display and the keyboard <Enter> key is pressed. The computer will display all the values that
have been written into the RAM area. See the ‘K’ command for the next step in programming the EEPROM.
19.6 ‘K’ Write RAM to EEPROM