VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 60
Copyright © 2013, United Process Controls Inc.
All rights to copy, reproduce and transmit are reserved
Bits per second: 19200
Data bits: 7
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Select the File \ Properties \ Settings tabs and make the following selections;
Select the ‘Terminal Keys’ button
Select the ‘Ctrl+H’ button
Set ‘Emulation’ to ANSI
Set ‘Telnet terminal ID’ to ANSI
Set ‘Backscroll buffer lines’ to 500
Click on the ASCII Setup… button;
Set ‘Line delay’ to 25 msec
Set ‘Character delay’ to 0 msec
Click on the ‘OK’ button to escape the Connections window.
HyperTerminal will now be connected to the comms port waiting for serial data from the Versapro.
19.3 Start Monitor Mode
At the Versapro press and hold the <REM> and <Enter> keys. Hold these keys until the center display
changes to "MONITOR MODE”, (about 5 seconds). The instrument will send a prompt to the HyperTerminal
screen that should look like figure 1. If the Versapro is already in Monitor Mode it may only have the Power
light on with no other display. Cycle power on the instrument while connected to see the “Marathon Monitors,
Inc.” prompt.
Figure 12 Initial Prompt Screen
The following table lists the commands that are available in Monitor mode.