VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 47
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Table 13 Usable Thermocouple Range (°F)
T/C type
Value (°F)
Value (°F)
B 800
E -440
J -335
K -340
N -325
T -380
* Due to the extreme non-linearity of low level signals, using type R and S below 300° F is not recommended.
Calibration of the Analog Output Channels
The same calibration procedure can be used for either output channel.
Calibration procedure:
1. Connect terminals TB-B 5, 6 (or 7, 8) to a multimeter such as a Fluke 77. Select the milliamp
measurement range and verify that the test leads are plugged into the milliamp jack and common on the
2. Activate the calibration mode by entering the SETUP menu, selecting the Calibration menu, press the
ENTER key until CAL OUTPUT - NO is displayed.
3. Change the NO prompt to YES using the UP arrow key.
4. Press the ENTER key to select the OUTPUT 1 MIN mode. If OUTPUT 2 is required, continue pressing the
ENTER key until OUT 2 MIN is displayed.
5. Using the UP or DOWN arrow keys, adjust the displayed number from 0 to 9. Press the RIGHT or LEFT
arrow keys to select the adjustment sensitivity. Adjust the displayed value until the multimeter indicates the
desired minimum output. This is typically set for 4 mA (cal factor ~ 800), but this level can be adjusted to
0mA (cal factor ~ 0).
6. Press the ENTER key to select the OUTPUT 1 SPAN mode. If OUTPUT 2 is required, continue pressing
the ENTER key until OUTPUT 2 SPAN is displayed.
7. Using the arrow keys as explained in step 5, adjust the output to read 20mA on the multimeter. A typical
cal factor for 20mA is 3150. The maximum cal factor is 4095.
8. Press the SETUP key to save the calibration values and exit the calibration routine.