VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 55
Copyright © 2013, United Process Controls Inc.
All rights to copy, reproduce and transmit are reserved
A U * tt bb $ ddd-------ddd CC D L E
(E)End of Transmission (EOT) HEX(04)
(L) LRC is the result of an XOR function performed
on all previous character in the messeage.
(D) Delimter marks the end of DATA and signals the
up coming EOT character.
NUL HEX(00) or Backspace HEX(08)*
*If LRC was going to be an EOT HEX(04) then D =
(CC) MOD 256 checksum of data characters ASCII
values in two (2) HEX digits.
Ninety-six (96) HEX digits of data, four (4) digits, (2)
bytes, (24) parameters
(I) Instruement Prefix: U = Versapro instrument prefix.
(A) Address of instrument.
(bb) Block number (HEX)
($) Data separator
(*) Block Read command character
(tt) Table number (HEX)
Figure 11 Block Read Response Format
The following is an example is for a block request from the Host and a reply from the instrument. The Host
sends the command:
Where the instrument address is ‘1’, the instrument type is ‘U’, the table and block are both zero (TTBB), and
the delimiter, LRC and EOT follow.
The instrument responds with the string shown in the following table.
Table 16 Sample Block Response
Address 1 31
Type U
Command * 2A
0000 30 30 30 30
Delimiter $ 24
Parameter 1
C11C 43 31 31 43
Parameter 2
00E5 30 30 45 35
Parameter 3
8112 38 31 31 32
Parameter 4
0096 30 30 39 36
Parameter 5
0096 30 30 39 36
Parameter 6
00C8 30 30 43 38