VersaPro Temperature Controller
Page 35
Copyright © 2013, United Process Controls Inc.
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The Rem LED on the front panel will flash while the timer is active in the RUN, HOLD, or END modes. The
timer will go inactive when END is acknowledged or if the timer is disabled.
The timer can be stopped by pressing the Enter and Right arrow keys during an active RUN state, sending a
remote timer setpoint of 0 when the instrument is in remote mode, or by changing the remaining time to zero.
The Event Input can be configured to start the timer, hold the timer, or acknowledge the End state.
11.2 Time
The Time alarm mode it will run continuously once it has started and the alarm contract will close when the
remaining time reaches zero. The alarm value has no effect in the simple timer mode and the timer will not
stop or hold if the process value changes. The alarm message is ‘End’ will display on the LCD screen and the
appropriate alarm contact will activate.
11.3 Guaranteed Start Timer
The guaranteed start timer function works in conjunction with the alarm value. The timer will hold until the
process value is greater than the lower band value of the process. The alarm value is the band value. In the
figure below the alarm value is 10, which represents a band around setpoint of
10°. The timer will not HOLD
once it has met the initial starting conditions. The process can fluctuate outside of the alarm band after the
timer has started without placing the timer in a HOLD state. The following figure shows the behavior of the
guaranteed start timer.
Figure 6 Guaranteed Start