In case of lost communication with the access control panels, forced entry, free
pass, etc. U-Prox IC A merges access areas together , considering that the
personnel may be both there and there.
After restoring the normal state of access point or communication with the control
panels, areas will be unmerged (See Figure 10).
Fig 10.
Merging access zones
U-Prox IP400, U-Prox IP100, U-Prox IP300, NDC F18 IP access control panels can
be configured to two variants of behavior in case communication lost with U-Prox IC
Not to pass anyone;
Pass all according to the rules of the local antipassback
The requirements for U-Prox IC A adjusting:
Control panel must have static address (IP or DNS)
The requirements for U-Prox IP100,U-Prox IP300 ,U-Prox IP400, NDC F18 IP adjusting:
Only control panels with double-sided doors (entrance and exit on
presentation of ID) can be involved in global antipassback.
In configuraion server address # 1 has to be the ACS server address.
In configuraion server address #2 has to be the addrees of U-Prox IC A
In the U-Prox IP software must be enabled antipassback mode "General"
for door
For each access control panel must be specified master antipassback
control panel and reaction to the loss of communication with him.
U-Prox IP400, U-Prox IP100, U-Prox IP300, NDC F18 IP control panels deliver
events to two addresses at the same time. First one is ACS server's address, to
display and store events in a database program. The second one is address of U-
Prox IC A. Antippassback control panel sends answer with command to denу or
grant access.
After ID presentation the delay in granting or denial of access may be up to 1
seconds, depending on the topology and bandwidth of the computer network