Section 13. Control of the frequency converter by means of connection RS
The RS frequency referencing-unit operates only if the parameter 4,7 (RS permission) allows
operation with RS.
Resolution 0,1Hz (see. CAUTION), a range - 5000....5000.
e.g. 250 = 25.0 Hz clockwise rotation
e.g.-122 = 12.2 Hz anti-clockwise rotation
CAUTION. For a mode of vector control (the Vector 1 and Vector2) value is in rotations per one
minute (rpm) instead of in Hz.
Read / write
The referencing-unit of the PID controller operates only if the parameter 4.7 (RS permission) allows
operation with RS.
Resolution 0,1 %, a range 0....1000.
e.g. 445 = 44,5 %
Read / write
Forcing state of digital inputs. The register intended for testing. If bits 15 of this register is set up,
bits 0....5 determine a state of a digital input 1....6 of electric drives (state on a real digital input is
Read / write
The register which informs from where current START/STOP signal and current frequency
referencing-unit is coming.
bits 0 - 1 = control A active
bits 1 - 1 = control B active
bits 2 - 1 = the referencing-unit from an analog input 0
bits 3 - 1 = the referencing-unit from an analog input 1
bits 4 - 1 = the referencing-unit from an analog input 2
bits 5 - 1 = the referencing-unit from a motor-potentiometer
bits 6 - 1 = the referencing-unit from an output of the PID controller
bits 7 - 1 = the referencing-unit from a control panel
bits 8 - 1 = the referencing-unit with another PCH (advanced)
bits 9 - 1 = START / STOP from digital inputs (remote)
bits 10 - 1 = START / STOP from a control panel (local)
bits 11 - 1 = START / STOP with another PCH (advanced)
bits 12 - 1 = START / STOP set through RS connection
bits 13 - 1 = the referencing-unit of frequency from communication channel RS
bits 14 - 1 = active frequency is CONSTANT (f c)
its 15 - 1 = the emergency referencing-unit is switched on (can be connected to other bits
determining a source of the referencing-unit)
Read only
PID controller state
This register informs from where current referencing-unit and input signal of PID controller is coming
and also whether SLEEP is switched on.
bits 0 - 1 = PID referencing-unit from an analog input 0
bits 1 - 1 = PID referencing-unit from an analog input 1
bits 2 - 1 = PID referencing-unit from an analog input 2
bits 3 - 1 = PID referencing-unit from a control panel
bits 4 - 1 = PID referencing-unit from communication channel RS
bits 5 - 1 = PID referencing-unit comes from PCH (advanced)
bits 6 - 1 = PID input from an analog input 0
bits 7 - 1 = PID input from an analog input 1
bits 8 - 1 = PID input from an analog input 2
bits 9 - 1 = PID input comes from PCH (advanced)
bits 10 - 1 = SLEEP blockade of PID controller is active
bits 11,12,13,14,15 - not used (= 0)
Read only
Value of this register serves for identification of the device's state:
bits 0 - 1 = the drive operates
bits 1 - 1 = one of referencing-units of a control panel (frequency, the PID controller or the user's
referencing-unit) is switched on
bits 2 - 1 = device is blocked
bits 3 - 1 = ready to restart (failure message was erased, but reason has not disappeared)
bits 4,5,6 - number of automatic restart/number of a stage of identification
bits 7 - CRC error in EEPROM
bits 8,9,10,11,12 - a failure code or warning (0 - absence of failure)
bits 13 - value of a failure code: 0 = failure, 1 – warning)
bits 14 - a direction of operation (0 = to the right, 1 = to the left).
bits 15 - 1 = identification (it is started by par. 1.10)
Read only
bits 1 - 1 = during the drying process of the electric motor
Parameters from group 0. They are analogous with parameters on the control panel, e.g. the register
40003 corresponds to parameter 0.3
Read only
Parameters from group 1. They are similar with parameters on the control panel, e.g. the register
41020 corresponds to parameter 1.20.
CAUTION: Changes of parameters are subjected to the same rules, as in case of operating from a
control panel. There can be necessary to disable blocking of parameters change (parameter 4.1 =
the register 44001) or entering of the corresponding code of access (parameter 4.2 = the register
44002). Some parameters of the device can be changed only in a case when it does not operate.
Details: section 3.2 and following.
Read / write
Parameters from group 2. They are similar with parameters on the control panel, e.g. the register
42001 corresponds to parameter 2.1.
CAUTION: the same as item 41xxx.
Read / write
Frequency converter MFC710 type. TWERD Power Electronics