3.9.2. Parameters locks
There are two ways to lock parameters editing: temporary and permanent.
Temporary lock - without access code
Temporary lock consists in changing the value of par. "4.1 Par. block." to "001 YES" without changing the PD
access level to 0. This will temporarily lock (padlock symbol) all parameters (except "4.1 Par. block." and "4.2
Level/CODE") and their values cannot be changed. Changing the value of par. "4.1 Par. block." on "000 NO" will enable
the possibility of editing parameters.
After power off or reset of the inverter, parameters are automatically unlocked
according to PD 1 access level.
Note: temporary locking is possible only when the code for the PD 1 access level is set to 0. Otherwise, changing the
parameter "4.1 Par. block." to "001 YES" will automatically change the PD access level to 0 - permanent lock.
Permanent lock - with access code
The permanent lock of parameters consists in changing the default code (zero) assigned to the PD 1 access
level to a value other than zero (see section 3.9.3. “Change of access codes”), and then changing the value of par. "4.1
Par. block." to "001 YES". This will activate the PD 0 access level and permanently lock the possibility of modifying all
parameters (padlock symbol) except for "4.1 Par. block". and "4.2 Level/CODE".
The parameters will also remain locked after the drive is powered down or reset.
In order to unlock the possibility of changing other parameters, the access level should be changed to PD 1 or
PD 2 by entering the corresponding code in the "4.2 Level/CODE" parameter. The return to the temporary lock is done
by changing the code to the PD 1 access level to 0.
An example of using an access lock
After power-up, the converter defaults to PD 1 access level (par. "4.2 Level/CODE = 1" and par. "4.1 Par. block" is set to
"000 NO"). This enables the change of all parameters of the converter, except for restoring the factory settings (par.
"4.4 Fact. set.") and changing the lock of physical parameter writing to the EEPROM of the converter (par. "4.5 En.
Temporary lock
To activate a temporary parameter lock, par. "4.1 Par. block." should be set to "001 YES".
Permanent lock
In order to activate permanent lock of parameters, first change the code assigned to the PD 1
level to a value other than zero (eg 5), and then par. "4.1 Par. block." set to "001 YES". This
will change the current access level to 0, which will be seen in par. "4.2 Level/CODE".
After activating the lock, a padlock symbol will appear next to all locked parameters.
Disabling permanent access lock
In order to disable permanent access lock:
activate access level PD1 → in par. "4.2 Level/CODE", enter the code that was assigned to PD1
during the activation of the permanent lock,
change the PD1 code to "0" → in par. "4.3 New CODE", enter the value "0"
(see section 3.9.3. “Change of access codes”).
3.9.3. Change of access codes
The access codes to the PD 1 level and PD 2 level are changed by par. "4.3 New CODE". The change will
affect the current PD access level.
In order to change the code:
check that the PD access level displayed in par. "4.2 Level/CODE" is the level to which we want to assign a
new code,
in par. "4.3 New CODE" enter a new code,
It is recommended to save the new code to prevent its loss,
repeat entering the new code in par. "4.3 New CODE".
From now switching to the access level for which the code has been changed will take place after entering this new
code in par. "4.2 Level/CODE". Access level 0 has no code.
MFC710 User Manual - TWERD Power Electronics