9.8 Genlocking the Scaler Cards.
When you run a variety of outputs, you want to make sure they don’t get out of sync with
each other. The CORIOmatrix has a genlock function which synchronizes the output
timings to the reference signals taken from a source. In order to do this, the genlocked
outputs must all be at the same resolution and frequency as the reference signal from the
input – that is, if the reference signal is 1920x1080 at 60Hz, the outputs must also be
1920x1080 at 60Hz. If the outputs are a significantly different resolution or frequency, it will
not be possible to genlock to that given reference signal.
(Genlock reference signals can only be read from the first two inputs on any given card – if
a card has four inputs, the third and fourth inputs are not available for genlock.)
To enable genlock via the command line, associate the correct source and output:
slots.slot12.out1.GenlockSource = slots.slot1.in2
Once the source-output association is made, use the following to enable genlock:
slots.slot12.out1.Genlock = on
(off returns to the input)
The source resolution on (in our example) slot1.in2 must be the same as the output
resolution of slot12.out1. If you want to lock four outputs together, set all four outputs to
genlock to one common input, and make sure all four outputs are at the same resolution
and frequency as the input. You can have multiple genlocks concurrently - you can assign
other groups of outputs to a different genlock source, as long as they are all running at the
same resolution and frequency.