Check of output rate
The quantities listed in the output charts are approximative
values. Each brand and/or production batch may show
differences in granular size, shape and weight. In addition to
this, the effective rates may be influenced by other conditions
(air humidity, for example).
It is therefore advisable to check the fertilizer output. Output
quantities can be accurately established by means of a special
calibration check device, available for the CENTERLINER
The following procedure can also be applied.
- Put a measured-out quantity of fertilizer in the hopper.
- This quantity should cover a distance of at least 100m.
- Empty the hopper (nearly) by operating at the required
forward speed.
- Measure the distance of the fertilizer application.
- Weigh the balance of fertilizer.
- Determine the output of fertilizer per hectare by means of
the formula below:
10 000
( )
quantity put out kg
working width m
length covered m
kg ha
( )
filled with 75 kg fertilizer.
Working width = 15 m.
Distance covered = 175 m.
Balance of fertilizer = 12 kg
Output =
10 000
75 12
15 175
= 240 kg/ha
If the effective output differs very much from the value listed
in the chart, this may be due to any of the following causes:
- fitting of the locking pin in an incorrect hole of the
calibration scale;
- important difference between the fertilizer applied and the
material for which the chart is applicable;
- incorrect adjustment of the feed device;
- non-compliance with the forward speed on which the
output chart is based;
- clogging of feed openings, for example by clods in the