The tulip CENTERLINER SX (fig. 1) is a fertilizer spreader
ensuring a particularly accurate application of fertilizers.
Seen from the rear, the CENTERLINER SX spreader’s
spinner discs rotate to the inside. Each disc covers virtually
the full spreading width (fig. 2).
Consequently, the spreading patterns of both discs overlap
almost completely so that a symmetric pattern is obtained
centrally behind the tractor, irrespective of granular sizes.
During each consecutive passage the composite spreading
pattern of the previous passage is overlapped once more.
Thus, the eventual spreading pattern is made up by a 4-fold
composite pattern (fig. 3).
Because of its large working width, as well as the varying
working width of the SX version, the CENTERLINER
spreader is ideally suitable for following such tramlines as
were laid out in the crop.
Attention! Fertilizer granulars may attain high speeds.
Keep this in mind when you are spreading over soft crop.
For headland spreading the spreader only needs to be tilted
behind the tractor. As a result of this tilting, the composite
spreading pattern on the headland side is shrunk, so that the
full rate is applied in one passage. This passage is situated at
half the working width calculated from the headland side.
T h e C E N T R A S I D E
h e a d l a n d s p r e a d i n g a t t a c h m e n t
(optional extra) offers another method for spreading on
headlands. When using this facility, a sharply defined
spreading pattern is obtained on the RH side of the spreader.
The first working passage of a spreader fitted with a
headland spreading attachment is situated at
approx. 2 m from the headland side (fig. 4).