© Copyright 2012TRENDnet. All Rights Reserved.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
MAC Address :
The MAC address of the Wireless Port.
Channel :
The current channel on the Wireless port.
Rate :
The current Bit Rate on the Wireless port.
Receive bytes :
The total received packets in bytes on the Wireless port.
Receive packets :
The total received packets on the Wireless port.
Transmit bytes :
The total transmitted packets in bytes on the Wireless port.
Transmit packets :
The total transmitted packets on the Wireless port.
DHCP Server Status :
Users could retrieve DHCP server and DHCP clients’ IP/MAC
address via this field.
IP Address :
IP addresses to LAN devices by DHCP server.
MAC Address :
MAC addresses of LAN devices.
Expired In :
Shows how long the leased IP address will expire.
Associated Clients
It displays ESSID, on/off Status, Security Type, total number of wireless clients associated
with all Virtual AP.
VAP Information :
Highlights key VAP information.
Available VAP from Primary AP to VAP6.
Display name of ESSID for each VAP.
MAC Address :
Display MAC address for each VAP.
Status :
Security Type :
Display chosen security type; WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK,
Clients :
Display total number of wireless connections for each VAP.
VAP Clients :
Display all associated clients on each Virtual AP.
MAC Address :
MAC address of associated clients
Signal Strength ANT0/ANT1 :
Signal Strength of from associated clients.
Bandwidth :
Channel bandwidth of from associated clients
Idle Time :
Last inactive time period in seconds for a wireless connection.
Connect Time :
Total connection time period in seconds for a wireless
Disconnect :
Click “
to manually disconnect a wireless client in a
Virtual AP.