General Information
Unit Nameplate
One Mylar unit nameplate is located on the outside upper
left corner of the control panel door. It includes the unit
model number, serial number, electrical characteristics,
weight, refrigerant charge, as well as other pertinent unit
data. A small metal nameplate with the Model Number,
Serial Number, and Unit Weight is located just above the
Mylar nameplate, and a third nameplate is located on the
inside of the control panel door.
Compressor Nameplate
The Nameplate for the Scroll Compressor is located on the
compressor lower housing. Max amps is listed on the
nameplate and is the absolute highest amp load on the
compressor at any operating condition (does not include
locked rotor amps or inrush). This value should never be
Commonly Used Acronyms
For convenience, a number of acronyms and
abbreviations are used throughout this manual. These
acronyms are alphabetically listed and defined below.
AC = Air Cooled Condenser
BAS = Building automation systems
BCI = BACnet® Communication Interface module
CFM = Cubic-feet-per-minute
CKT. = Circuit
CLV = Cooling valve (reheat only)
CV = Constant volume
CW = Clockwise
CCW = Counterclockwise
E/A = Exhaust air
EC = Evaporative Condenser
ECEM = Exhaust/comparative enthalpy module
RT = Rooftop unit
O/A = Outside air
GBAS = Generic building automation system
HGBP = Hot gas bypass
MCHE = Microchannel Condenser Coil
HGRH = Hot gas reheat
HI = Human Interface
HVAC = Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
I/O = Inputs/outputs
IOM = Installation/operation/ maintenance manual
IPC = Interprocessor communications
IPCB = Interprocessor communications bridge
LCI-I = LonTalk® Communication Interface for
LH = Left-hand
MCM = Multiple compressor module
MDM = Modulating Dehumidification Module
MPM = Multipurpose module
MWU = Morning warm-up
NSB = Night setback
O/A = Outside air
psig = Pounds-per-square-inch, gauge pressure
PTFE = Polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon®)
R/A = Return air
RAH = Return air humidity
RH = Right-hand
RHV = Reheat valve
RPM = Revolutions-per-minute
RTM = Rooftop module
S/A = Supply air
SCCR = Short circuit current rating
SCM = Single circuit module
SZ = Single-zone (unit airflow)
SZVAV = Single zone variable air volume
TCI = Tracer communications module
UCM = Unit control modules
VAV = Variable air volume
VCM = Ventilation control module
VOM = Ventilation override module
w.c. = Water column
WCI = Wireless Communication Interface
Unit Description
Each Trane commercial, single-zone rooftop air
conditioner ships fully assembled from the factory. An
optional roof curb, specifically designed for the S_HJ units
is available from Trane. The roof curb kit must be field
assembled and installed according to the latest edition of
the roof curb installation manual.
Trane Commercial Rooftop Units are controlled by a
microelectronic control system that consists of a network
of modules and are referred to as Unit Control Modules
(UCM).The acronym UCM is used extensively throughout
this document when referring to the control system
network. These modules through Proportional/Integral
control algorithms perform specific unit functions which
provide the best possible comfort level for the customer.
They are mounted in the control panel and are factory
wired to their respective internal components. They
receive and interpret information from other unit
modules, sensors, remote panels, and customer binary
Available tonnages
Air-Cooled Tonnages
Evaporative Condenser