Unit Startup
2. The second setpoint will be the emergency point
– The second setpoint will open the normally closed
K2 relay which will interrupt the sump proving
circuit which will generate a manual lockout. This
second setpoint will be used to protect the unit from
extremely high conductivity that would indicate a
failure in the system.
3. Inside the enclosure for the controller, there will be a
thermostat and strip heater that will protect LCD from
cracking at low ambient conditions. The thermostat
closes at 15°F and opens at 25°F.
Procedure to calibrate conductivity
Visit this webpage for additional documentation:
Use a calibrated thermometer and a known conductivity
rating.There are two different options for having a liquid
with known conductivity. Purchase a liquid with known
conductivity rating and purchase a handheld conductivity
Close the ball valve on the chemical treatment tree and
remove the conductivity sensor from the tree.
2. Enter service test mode on the unit and turn the pump
on, ensuring the compressors are set to Off.
3. With the conductivity controller connected to the
sensor and power, enter the CALIBRATE menu by
holding down the enter key for 2 seconds.
4. When asked for the calibration key code, hit the UP-UP-
UP-DOWN arrow keys in sequence.
5. Using the UP and DOWN arrows go to Chan 1 Cell:
Standard. Ensure this channel is set to standard.
6. If not press the RIGHT arrow key and set to standard
then press the ENTER key to return to the
Using the UP and DOWN arrows go to Chan 1 Cell.
Ensure that the cell constant is set to 1.0.
8. If not press the RIGHT arrow key and set the cell
constant to 1.0 then press the ENTER key to return to
9. Using the UP and DOWN arrows go to Chan 1 Set:
Temperature and press the RIGHT arrow key to enter
the edit mode.
10. Adjust the temperature on the controller to match the
actual temperature.
11. Press the ENTER key to save the input and return to the
12. Using the UP and DOWN arrows, go to the Chan 1 Set:
Conductivity and press the RIGHT arrow key to enter
the edit mode.
13. Adjust the conductivity on the controller to match the
actual conductivity rating of the liquid.
14. Press the ENTER key to save the conductivity rating
and return to the CALIBRATE menu.
15. When finished calibrating the controller, press the UP
and DOWN key simultaneously to return to normal
operating mode.
Procedure to set purge setpoints on the
conductivity controller
Visit this webpage for additional documentation:
Work with local water treatment expert to identify nominal
purge and emergency purge conductivity value.
Close the ball valve on the chemical treatment tree and
remove the conductivity sensor from the tree.
2. Enter Service test mode on the unit HI and energize the
sump pump, ensuring the compressors are set to
3. With the conductivity controller connected to the
sensor and power, enter the CALIBRATE menu by
holding down the enter key for 2 seconds.
4. When asked for the calibration key code, hit the UP-UP-
UP-DOWN arrow keys in sequence.
5. Using the UP and DOWN arrows, go to Relay 1
Setpoint: and press the RIGHT arrow key to enter edit
mode (K1).
6. Adjust the set point to the nominal blowdown
conductivity value.
Press the ENTER key to return to the CALIBRATE menu.
8. Using the UP and DOWN arrows, go to Relay 2
Setpoint: and press the RIGHT arrow key to enter edit
mode (K2).
9. Adjust the set point to the emergency conductivity
10. Press the ENTER key to return to the CALIBRATE menu.
11. When finished setting the values, press the UP and
DOWN key simultaneously to return to normal
operating mode.
Units Without an Economizer
Upon entering an “occupied” mode of operation, the RTM
receives input from the remote panel to start the supply
fan. For constant volume applications, the RTM supply fan
contacts close which energizes the supply fan contactor.
When the supply fan starts, the fan proving switch closes,
signaling the RTM that airflow has been established and
the VFD will begin to ramp the fan (if equipped).
When a cooling request is sent to the RTM from a zone
temperature sensor, the RTM evaluates the operating
condition of the system using the supply air temperature
input and the outdoor temperature input before sending
the request to the MCM. Once the request is sent to the
MCM, the compressor module checks the compressor