Figure 24. Typical unit rigging—three-piece unit
Air-Cooled and Evaporative Condensers—
Three-Piece Unit Fit Up
Rig and lift outside air section and evaporator section
2. Do not assemble unit on ground and attempt to lift to
roof. Unit must be assembled on roof curb.
3. Attach rail guide provided to bottom of the evaporator
base rails as shown with screws.
4. Rig and set the evaporator section onto the roof curb
(aligned with supply end).
5. Remove and discard shipping protection panels and
top block-offs from evaporator section.
6. Remove side panels and roof cap from evaporator
section and set aside to be assembled later.
Apply gasket to the base channel and butyl tape to the
base rail edge of the evaporator section.
8. Remove and discard shipping protection panels and
top block off from outside air section.
9. Rig and set outside air section onto roof curb using the
rail guides as an alignment aid. Outside air section
must be within 2.0" from the evaporator section.
10. Use 0.75" x 24" threaded rod, nuts, washers and
backing plate provided to pull and secure sections
together.This must be done using the lifting lugs at the
unit split as shown.
11. Use 0.375" bolts, nuts and washers provided to pull
and secure the roof rails together. This must be done
using the brackets on the roof rails as shown.
12. Attach roof splice plate to bottom side of roof panels at
the unit split with ¼" sheet metal screws.
13. Add bullwrap to electrical wiring.
14. Connect power and control wiring at the unit split.
Place power wiring connectors inside junction box.