13.1.3 SNMP Group
On this page, you can configure SNMP Group to control the network access by providing the users
in various groups with different management rights via the Read View, Write View and Notify View.
Choose the menu
SNMP Config
SNMP Group
to load the following page.
Figure 13-5 SNMP Group
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Group Config
Group Name:
Enter the SNMP Group name. The Group Name, Security
Model and Security Level compose the identifier of the SNMP
Group. The Groups with these three items the same are
considered to be the same.
Security Model:
Select the Security Model for the SNMP Group.
v1: SNMPv1 is defined for the group. In this model, the
Community Name is used for authentication. SNMP v1
can be configured on the SNMP Community page directly.
v2c: SNMPv2c is defined for the group. In this model, the
Community Name is used for authentication. SNMP v2c
can be configured on the SNMP Community page directly.
v3: SNMPv3 is defined for the group. In this model, the
USM mechanism is used for authentication. If SNMPv3 is
enabled, the Security Level field is enabled for
Security Level:
Select the Security Level for the SNMP v3 Group.
noAuthNoPriv: No authentication and no privacy security
level is used.
authNoPriv: Only the authentication security level is used.
authPriv: Both the authentication and the privacy security
levels are used.