3.3 Lubricants, Cleaning Oil, and Sealant
[ 6 ] Storage of Lubricants
(1) Seal up the lubricant containers and place
them in a well-ventilated room separated from
the weaving rooms and machine rooms.
(2) Avoid storing lubricants for more than 1 year,
since even high-quality lubricants may deterio-
rate as time passes.
(3) Never mix different brands of grease or oil.
Cleaning Oil and Sealant
[ 1 ] Cleaning Oil Required When Unpacking
When the machine leaves Toyoda, the back roller, easing roller, and breast beams are coated with
rust-preventive oil. To wipe off the oil easily, use the cleaning oil specified below.
Recommended cleaning oil: NIPPON OIL CORPORATION New-sol Deluxe or its equivalent
Never use trichloroethylene-base cleaning fluid. This type of fluids may mar or discolor the finish.
[ 2 ] Sealant Required at the Time of Oil Change
When changing oil in the RH & LF gearing boxes and tappet cam box (in the negative shedding
motion), it is necessary to remove the magnet plug for wiping off iron powder from the plug. After
reinstalling the magnet plug, apply sealant (Three-bond 1215 or equivalent) to its screw section.