3.1 Warp-related Preparations
[ 3 ] Winding warp onto a warp beam
Warp beam gear
Warp beam flange
Warp letting-off direction
Warp taking-up direction in sizing
[ 4 ] Preparing warp yarn
When preparing warp yarn, be sure to observe the following:
(1) Procure warp yarn and complete warp preparatory processes according to the schedule without any
It seems that some new weaving plants cannot set warp beams due to the late arrival of warp or late pre-
paratory processes (such as winder, warper, sizing, and drawing-in processes), even after the completion
of machine installation and trial run.
(2) Procure warp yarn with the following quality:
Proper fluff binding
(3) Wind warp yarn on warp beams so that
the winding hardness is proper and
the winding shapes are uniform at both ends
High-density carded yarn, T/C yarns, and acrylic yarns are difficult to handle. Since the fabric quality and
operating efficiency will be directly affected by the quality of the preparatory processes, be sure to com-
plete optimum preparatory processes for the quick and effective start-up of weaving.
Be careful with the warp taking-up direction
when sizing.