model 2000 DeviceNet Module Manual (DN611/DN611A)
Chapter 3 Preparations for Operation (Hardware)
Usage Recommendations
1. If a node address anywhere from 64 to 99 is set, the DN611 will develop a node address set-
ting error when the S controller is switched on.
• The LED MS blinks red.
• The 7-segment LED displays F6 and the local node address alternately.
To reset it, either issue a reset request or switch power back on after setting a node address
2. If a DN611 node address is set the same as that of another node, the DN611 develops a
"same node address detected" error when it goes into run mode.
• The LED MS lights green and the LED NS lights red.
• The 7-segment LED displays the figure 70 and the local node address alternately.
To reset the error, allocate the correct node address and, issue a reset request or switch
power back on.
Usage Recommendations
1. Use a small flat-tip screwdriver for changing values of the rotary switches.