“It takes too much time to inspect
the water, and the inspection can
be made one a month.”
Under-watering is harmfu l to the
battery. The water level sho uld be
inspected once a week.
P lease
refer to “liquid level of
Vibration damage
“The user should secure the battery
hold-down gear to the best possible
The user should secure the
hold-down gear of the battery
follo wing the instructions. Too
tight or too loose ho ld-down gear
will resu lt in the damage of the
Please refer to “vibration
Battery replacement
The battery must be handle d by spec ia l lifting tools. To prevent the e lectrolyte from leaking out of the
battery air blee ders, the batte ry must remain uprig ht. Inclination o f over 45 °towa rds a ny dire ctio n may
result in the lea kage of small amo unt o f elec trolyte from the air bleeder. The inc lination of the batte ry
should not exceed 45°when being lifted, ca rrie d or mounte d. The battery acid may re sult in serious
personal injury to the skin o r eyes, and may a lso damage the clothe s.
Befo re remo ving the battery, please note the orientatio n of the battery and connecting line. Disconnect the
battery cable acco rding to the instructions.
Please re fe r to Chapter 1
“Protection for Electrical Safety”.
Remove the remaining wires and battery.
Please refer to the wiring diagram on page 9-7.
Visu ally inspect the new battery for damage in transit.
The original battery cable, if to be used again, should be inspected for rupture or abrasion. In additio n, its
terminals shou ld be inspected for damage, or the insulating layer for aging. Please erase the rust and dirt o n the
connector. The solution o f sodium bicarbonate and water (a gallon (3.8L) o f water is mixed with a glass (237mL)
o f so dium bicarbo nate) can effectively neu tralize and erase the rusty stain. Care shou ld be taken to avoid the
sodium bicarbonate solution from entering the battery.