Check Procedure 9
Motor speed sensor
P lease refer to Chapter 1
P rotectio n fo r Electrica l Sa fe ty
The fo llowing o peratio ns must be conducted on a flat surface. To prevent injury o r pro perty loss, make
sure tha t the passage o f the elec tric vehicle is unb lo cke d before moving it.
Turn the key switch to OFF and turn Forward/Reverse gear switch to NEUTRAL.
Use a multimeter set to 200 V DC, connect the red (+) probe to the positive binding post of the battery and
connect the black (-) probe to the Terminal 16 of the 3 -wire connector. The voltage reading should be
approximately 0 V (the battery is fully charged).
Turn Tow/Run switch to RUN, use a multimeter set to 20V DC, connect the black (-) probe to the negative
binding po st o f the battery pack and connect the red (+) probe to Wire 15 o f the 3-wire connecto r. The voltage
reading shou ld be appro ximately 12V.
If the reading is 0V, check the continuity of Wire 15 o f 3-wire connector which connects the controller and the
mo to r speed senso r. If the continuity is ok, replace the controller.
If the voltage reading is correct, continue with the fo llowing o perations:
5.1 Use a multimeter set to 20V DC, connect the black (-) pro be to the negative binding post o f the battery pack and
connect the red (+) probe to the terminal of Wire 1 4 of the 3 -wire connecto r on the mo to r speed senso r. The
voltage reading should be approximately 4.60-5.00V.
5.2 If the reading is 0V, check the continuity of Wire 14 o f 3-wire connector which connects the controller and the
mo to r speed senso r. If the continuity is ok, replace the controller.
5.3 If the reading is lo wer than 3.50V, check the wire and plug for continuity and replace the controller if necessary.
Reco nnect the 3 -wire connector on the motor speed sensor. Use a multimeter set to 20V DC, connect the black
(-) probe to the negative binding po st o f the battery pack and co nnect the red (+) probe to Wire 14 which is
between the 3-wire co nnector o n the motor speed sensor.
6.1 Jack up a rear wheel so that it is off the ground. Tu rn the rear wheel slowly drive the armature of the mo tor.
When the armature is ro tating, the vo ltage reading should change from 0V to approximately 4.85V. In each
round the motor armature rotates, the voltage reading will change from 0V to 4 .85V and 0V for 4 times.
No te :
4.85 V is a approximate reading of voltage. The actual reading may range between 4 .50V and 5.00V.
6.2 The speed senso r should be replaced in the following cases:
No voltage reading is displayed;
The voltage reading is no greater than 3 .50V;
No voltage reading change when the motor is running.
Check Procedure 10
forward/reverse gear switch
P lease refer to Chapter 1
P rotectio n fo r Electrica l Sa fe ty