Installation of DC changeover contactor and diode
Back to the removal steps.
The diode must be installed with a correct polarity.
Motor removal:
1. Take ou t the key from the key switch.
2. Apply the parking brake.
3. Turn Tow/Run switch to TOW.
P lea se refer to Chapte r 1
“Protection for Electrical
4. Mark a line at the motor interface with a marking pen
5. Hold the binding post with two wrenches, disco nnect the
wire from the connecting terminal of the mo to r.
6. Remo ve the 6 bo lts fixing the motor.
7. Wrap the motor at the mid position with a wide band, lift
the motor carefully and mo ve it to the left horizontally,
then place it o n the ground gently.
Low resistor
High resista nce
Reverse bias
Forward bias
DVOM is for referen ce only; fo r specific instruction, see user's m anual provided by m anu facturer.
Marking line