5.4 Volume calculation
There are 4 types of volume calculations which are set up by the Linearization Selection
(1) Defined tanks
- Linear Tank (Vertical Cylinder Tank)
Volume is calculated from diameter, offset level and measured level.
Diameter is the diameter of the tank and offset level is the
measurement level compensation factor.
- Spherical Tank
Volume is calculated from diameter, offset level and measured
level. Diameter is the diameter of the sphere and offset level is
the measurement level compensation factor.
- Cylindrical Tank (Horizontal Cylinder Tank)
Volume is calculated from diameter, length, offset level and
measured level. Diameter is the diameter of the tank and
offset level is the measurement level compensation factor.
Length is the horizontal length of tank as shown.
[ How to set parameters ]
1. Select tank form at [3-1] “Linearization Selection” from above selectable tank figures.
2. Input following parameters, then push”Write”.
[3-6] Tank “Diameter”
[3-7] Tank ”Length”
[3-8] Offset level
[3-9] Volume unit
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