Z Series Owners Manual
Tools Needed:
• 5/64” Allen Wrench
1. Flip the quick-release handle to the unlocked position and remove the rear wheel and quick-Release Axle. See
Figure 9-2.
2. Adjust Set Screw 3 on the quick-release nut so that no portion of Set Screw 3 is protruding out of the opposite
side of the quick-release nut (the side adjacent to the wheel hub).
3. Loosen Set Screw 1 on the collar.
4. Replace the wheel on the chair.
5. With the wheel still on the chair and the quad quick-release handle in the locked position so the locking balls are
fully engaged, securely tighten Set Screw 1 so the collar is securely on the axle sleeve.
6. With the release handle in the unlocked position, turn Set Screw 3 clockwise to remove any remaining play
between the wheel hub and collar.
7. Flip the quad quick-release handle to the locked position and check the “play” in the axle. Make sure the locking
balls fully engage and lock the axle into the camber tube. If there is still too much “play” in the axle, repeat the
procedure in Step 6. If you have taken too much “play” out of the axle, repeat the procedure in Step 6, but turn
Set Screw 3 counterclockwise to add “play” to the axle.
8. Before riding in the chair, check the “play” in the wheel and check to make sure the locking balls have fully
secured the axle inside the axle sleeve by pulling on the hub with the quad quick-release handle in the locked
position. If the locking balls do not properly engage or there is too much “play”, return to Step 1 and repeat this
The threads on the set screws on the quad quick-Release Axle assemblies are treated with Loctite
, a medium
strength thread lock. If you loosen any set screw, you MUST remove and reapply Loctite
or an equivalent
medium strength thread lock.
If you ignore this Warning, your rear wheel could become loose or fall off and you could
fall, tip over or lose control of the wheelchair and seriously injure yourself or others or damage the wheelchair.