Daily Operation
Things to Do After Operating the MS Detector
Thermo Scientific
Surveyor MSQ Plus Hardware Manual
Operating the Edwards forepump with the gas ballast valve open allows the oil in the oil mist
filter to drain back into the forepump by way of the oil return tubing. Operating the
forepump with the gas ballast valve open also allows the removal of water and other volatile
contaminants from the forepump oil.
A good time to drain the oil from the oil mist filter and to remove volatile contaminants from
the oil in the forepump is at the end of the working day or after the LC/MS system completes
a sequence run.
To drain the oil mist filter and purge volatile contaminants from the oil in the
1. Turn off the LC pump flow.
2. Turn the nitrogen gas, ion optics, and probe heater off by doing one of the following:
• From the Info view - Status page in Xcalibur, right-click the Surveyor MSQ listing
and choose
Turn Device Off
from the shortcut menu.
• Open the Per Method Parameters table in the Tune window. Take the system out of
the Operate mode by clicking the Operate On/Off toggle button, and then turn off
the nitrogen gas by clicking the Nitrogen Gas On/Off toggle button.
3. Open the gas ballast valve on the Edwards forepump by turning it six rotations
4. Operate the Edwards forepump for approximately 15 minutes with the gas ballast
valve open.
The oil in the oil mist filter returns to the forepump relatively quickly. The prescribed
time period of 15 minutes for ballasting is for the removal of volatile contaminants, such
as water.
5. After ballasting the forepump for a period of approximately 15 minutes, close the gas
ballast valve by turning the gas ballast knob clockwise until you feel resistance.
Emptying the Solvent Waste Bottles
Waste solvents are produced by both the Surveyor MSQ Plus MS detector and the LC system.
In the Surveyor MSQ Plus MS detector, waste solvent flows from the drain port at the bottom
of the source enclosure, out the back of the detector through the Exhaust manifold, and into a
solvent trap. Autosamplers such as the Surveyor Autosampler Plus perform a flush operation
after each injection. The flush solution drains to a solvent waste bottle. See
. Dispose
of the solvent waste in accordance with local and federal regulations.
Operating the forepump with the gas-ballast valve open increases the rate of oil
loss from the pump. During normal operations, run the forepump with the gas ballast
valve closed.