ChromQuest Diagnostics for the PDA Detector
Adjusting the Light Throughput with the ChromQuest Data System
Thermo Scientific
Accela PDA Detector Hardware Manual
Adjusting the Attenuators
Use the attenuator tabs (see
) on the front panel of the PDA detector to
adjust the light throughput to the diode array.
To adjust the attenuators
1. Set up the spectral and discrete channel displays (see
2. Click the
The Display page appears.
3. As you view the discrete channel display (see
), do the following:
• Adjust the left attenuator tab (UV attenuation) to achieve a Channel A value as close
as possible to 900000 without saturating the array.
• Adjust the right attenuator tab (Visible attenuation) to achieve a Channel C value as
close as possible to 900000 intensity counts as possible without saturating the array.
on the next page show saturation of the diode array.
Figure 58.
Display page (after you click On in the Status area and Start in the Data area)
Discrete channel readbacks