Public Version
PRCM Basic Programming Model CM_CLKOUT_CTRL (Clock Out Control Register)
The CM clock out control register provides control over the device output clock sys_clkout2, which can be
used externally for functional or test purposes. The register allows the following:
Selection of the source clock for sys_clkout2:
96-MHz clock
54-MHz clock
Dividing-down the selected source clock by 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16
Enabling/disabling of the gating of sys_clkout2
DPLL Clock Control Registers
A set of registers controls the clock features of the five DPLLs (DPLL1, DPLL2, DPLL3, DPLL4, and
The following sections describe the purposes of these registers. CM_CLKSELn_PLL_ <processor_name> (Processor DPLL Clock Selection Register)
The processor DPLL clock selection register controls the clock configuration of DPLL1 and DPLL2,
including the following features:
The multiplier (M) and divider (N) values of the DPLL
Selection of the fast bypass clock (CORE_CLK or CORE_CLK/2) in bypass mode
Configuration of DPLL output clock divider values (M2 factor)
The device has four DPLL clock selection registers for DPLL1 and DPLL2:
: DPLL1 multiplier, divider, and fast bypass clock selection
: DPLL1 output clock divider selection
: DPLL2 multiplier, divider, and fast bypass clock selection
: DPLL2 output clock divider selection CM_CLKSELn_PLL (DPLL Clock Selection Register)
The DPLL clock selection register controls the clock configuration for DPLL3, DPLL4, and DPLL5,
including the following features:
The multiplier (M) and divider (N) values of the DPLL
Configuration of DPLL output clock divider values
The device has the following DPLL clock selection registers for DPLL3, DPLL4, and DPLL5:
: DPLL3 multiplier, divider, and output clock division configuration. Source selection
for the 54-MHz and 48-MHz clock (48M_FCLK) between DPLL4 output and sys_altclk.
: DPLL4 multiplier and divider configuration
: Divider configuration for 96-MHz clock (96M_FCLK)
: DPLL5 multiplier and divider configuration
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Power, Reset, and Clock Management
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated