VSet Console Controller
(Custom Metalwork required)
The VSet Console controller is an electronics package intended to be integrated into Audio consoles
or turrets, using metalwork provided by the console manufacturer or integrator. It is an attractive
and small Power over Ethernet (PoE) device with durable buttons and displays to allow Telos VX
control from the board operators position. A drawing package is available for those wishing to create
metalwork for the unit for their projects. Metalwork is available from most console manufacturers.
In addition to the Console Controller, there is a VSet desktop controller that provides control of the
system when no handset is needed or desired.
Integrating phone line selectors into the studio mixing console is an operator-pleasing feature that
is easy to accomplish in a networked studio. As this is written in December 2018, the following
consoles have VX-compatible call control modules available.
Axia Fusion
Axia Element Console
Axia IQ and iQx Consoles
Other manufacturers’ consoles by using the VSet Console Controller Electronics package
described above
VX call screening software applications
PC based applications take studio phone operations to a higher plane. With many packages to choose from, most provide the
usual call screening functions for phone-active broadcasts – the PC interface can be used for all operations, including answering
and making calls, assigning priority, writing notes, etc. Using software may also reduce system cost, as no hardware phone need
be installed.
We’ve partnered with User Interface and broadcast workflow expert Broadcast Bionics to offer XScreen, a “cloud based” call
screening system. Basic operation is provided by a free version that is useful and fully capable. Though an optional paid version
allows extensive database options and a ever-growing list of other helpful features.
Since every stations needs and preferences are different, third party vendors such as Neogroupe, Arctic Palm and others offer
their own take on workflow, features and support options. Customizations are usually available for your own unique situation.
Please have a look at them all, as they each have much to offer.
Because Livewire audio is available at the PC via standard LW Driver software, a producer can readily record calls for later play.
These could be edited with a PC application running on the same machine. When a file has been produced, it can be sent to the
on-air studio over the network.