xE922-3GR Hardware User Guide
Rev.0.8 2017-01-05
Reproduction forbidden without written authorization from Telit Communications S.p.A. - All Rights
Page 53 of 112
The CHG_POK line (active LOW, internal pullup to always_on domain V_RTC) wakes the system once a
valid input supply source is present. It has the same effect as the ON_OFF key event to initiate a power-up
The CHG_INT line (active LOW, internal pullup to always_on domain V_RTC) signals charger state change
or failure, and replaces, in case not used, the CHG_POK function.
The CHG_RESET will disable the external charger, in case of PMU reset or battery removal detect.
The CHG_I2C interface is used to control charging process parameters and charger status monitoring.