DE910-DUAL AT commands reference guide
80392ST10102A Rev.2 – 2012-07-03
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#SCFGEXT - Socket Configuration Extended
SRING : <connId>
- socket connection identifier, as before
1 - data amount mode:
SRING : <connId>,<recData>
- as before
- amount of data received on the socket connection
2 - data view mode:
SRING : <connId>,<recData>,<data>
- as before
- received data; the presentation format depends on the sub parameter
- “data view mode” presentation format
0 - data represented as text (default)
1 - data represented as sequence of hexadecimal numbers (from 00 to FF)
<keepalive> - TCP keepalive
timer timeout
0 -
TCP keepalive
timer is deactivated (default)
1..240 -
TCP keepalive
timer timeout in minutes
<unused_A> -
currently not used
0 - reserved for future use
<unused_B> -
currently not used
0 - reserved for future use
Note: <
has effect only on TCP connections.
Note: these values are automatically saved in NVM
Note: If <srMode> is “0”, there will only be a single SRING URC until data is read
out of the buffer
If <srMode> is “1”, there will be a SRING URC for each incoming packet and the
number of bytes will reflect the amount of total data in the buffer yet to be read
Read command returns the current socket extended configuration
parameters values for all the six sockets, in the format:
#SCFGEXT: <connId1>,<srMode1>,<dataMode1>,<keepalive1>,
#SCFGEXT: <connId6>,<srMode6>,<dataMode6>,<keepalive6>
Test command returns the range of supported values for all the
sub parameters
Socket 1 set with data view sring, text data mode and a
keepalive time of 30 minutes.