DE910-DUAL AT commands reference guide
80392ST10102A Rev.2 – 2012-07-03
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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The syntax rules followed by the Telit implementation of both Hayes AT commands and
GSM/WCDMA commands are very similar to those of standard basic and extended AT
commands. There are two types of extended command:
Parameter type commands
. This type of command may be “set” (to store a value or
values for later use), “read” (to determine the current value or values stored), or “tested”
(to determine ranges of values supported). Each of them has a test command (trailing
to give information about the type of its sub parameters; they also have a Read command
) to check the current values of sub parameters.
Action type commands
. This type of command may be “executed” or “tested”.
“executed“ to invoke a particular function of the equipment, which generally
involves more than the simple storage of a value for later use
“tested” to determine:
Whether or not the equipment implements the Action Command (in this case
issuing the corresponding Test command - trailing
- returns the
code), and, if sub parameters are associated with the action, the ranges of sub
parameters values that are supported.
Action commands do not store the values of any of their possible sub parameters.
In the case of a Telit command, the “read” action may be used for a specific purpose.
The response to the Test Command (trailing
) may be changed in the future by
Telit to allow the description of new values/functionalities
If all the sub parameters of a parameter type command
) are optional, issuing
) causes the
result code to be returned and the previous values
of the omitted sub parameters to be retained.
A string either enclosed between quotes or not, is considered a valid string type parameter
input. According to V25 space characters are ignored on the command line and may be used
freely for formatting purposes unless they are embedded in numeric or quoted string
constants; therefore a string containing a space character has to be enclosed between quotes
to be considered a valid string type parameter.
A small set of commands requires always writing the input string parameters within quotes:
this is explicitly reported in the specific descriptions.