DE910-DUAL AT commands reference guide
80392ST10102A Rev.2 – 2012-07-03
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved
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The Telit wireless module family can be controlled via the serial interface using the standard AT
. The Telit wireless module family is compliant with:
TIA/EIA/707-A.3 AT Command.
Partial Hayes standard AT command set.
Partially 3GPP 27.005 specific AT Commands for SMS (Short Message Service).
Partially ETSI 3GPP 27.007 specific AT Commands for controlling voice and
Moreover, the Telit wireless module family supports Telit proprietary AT commands for
specific purposes.
The following is a description of how to use the AT commands with the Telit wireless module
The following syntactical definitions apply:
Carriage return character
, is the command line and result code terminator character,
which value, in decimal ASCII between 0 and 255,is specified within parameter
. The
default value is 13.
Linefeed character
, is the character recognized as line feed character. Its value, in
decimal ASCII between 0 and 255, is specified within parameter
. The default value
is 10. The line feed character is output after the carriage return character if verbose
result codes are used (
option used). Otherwise, if numeric format result codes are
used (
option used) it will not appear in the result codes.
Name enclosed in angle brackets is a syntactical element. They do not appear in the
command line.
Optional sub parameter of a command or an optional part of TA information response is
enclosed in square brackets. Brackets themselves do not appear in the command line.
When the sub parameter is not given in AT commands which have a Read command,
new value equals to its previous value. In AT commands which do not store the values
of any of their sub parameters, and so do not have a Read command, called
action type
commands, action should be taken on the basis of the recommended default setting of
the sub parameter.
AT is an ATTENTION command and is used as a prefix to other parameters in a string. The AT command combined with
other parameters can be set up in the communications package or typed in manually as a command line instruction.