/# / = *
: Leased line over B channel 2 (64
Call Number
This parameter is exclusively used by Media Gateway.
Only for Port Usage
.,3) 3 *.'
and ISDN Con-
figuration Type
Only for the devices RTxxx2
Enter the basic number of the Point-to-Point.
With incoming calls, this basis call number is cut off by the
called party number
With outgoing calls, this main number is attached to the number
to be called (calling party number).
The menu Advanced Settings consists of the following fields:
Fields in the Advanced Settings menu.
X.31 (X.25 in D Chan-
Select whether you want to use X.31 (X.25 in the D channel)
e.g. for CAPI applications.
The function is enabled with
The function is disabled by default.
X.31 TEI Value
Only if X.31 (X.25 in D Channel) is enabled
With the ISDN autoconfiguration, the X.31-TEI is detected auto-
matically. If the autoconfiguration has not detected TEI, you can
manually enter the value assigned by the exchange.
Possible values are
The default value is
(for automatic detection).
X.31 TEI Service
Only for X.31 (X.25 in D Channel) enabled
Select the service for which you want to use X.31 TEI.
Possible values:
11 Physical Interfaces
Teldat GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2