ectly coupled.
/# /
: You can select a leased line.
D* *% (
: Q-SIG S2M User Profile
D* *% '(
: Q-SIG S2M Network Profile
ISDN Line Framing
Only if Port Usage is selected.
Select the framing type for layer 1.
Possible values:
2@2 *
(default value)
' 2@2
The default value can be left in the majority of scenarios. You
can use the
' 2@2
option if required (e.g. in Sweden and
France), if the device is to be connected to a PABX.
P-P Base Number
Only if Port Usage not
="7 ="7 ,3)
/# /
Only for the devices RTxxx2
Enter the main number of the connection.
With incoming calls, this basis call number is cut off by the
called party number
With outgoing calls, this main number is attached to the number
to be called (calling party number).
Channel Selection
Only if Port Usage =
0@: *.' *% (
0@: *.'
*% '(
D* *% (
D* *% '(
An additional option is provided in order to guarantee the com-
patibility with special providers: If you set the switch type appro-
priately, you can select a value for the variable Channel Selec-
tion. This defines how the B channel is selected for an outgoing
Possible values:
-& 2,
(default value): The device tells the PABX
that all channels are available. The exchange of the PABX se-
lects the channel to be used.
Teldat GmbH
11 Physical Interfaces
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2