Fields in the Basic Parameters menu.
Enter a description for the current profile.
The device automatically names the profiles
and numbers them, but the value can be changed.
Local Hostname
Enter the host name for LNS or LAC.
: The local hostname is used in outgoing tunnel setup
messages to identify this device and is associated with the re-
mote hostname of a tunnel profile configured on the LNS.
These tunnel setup messages are SCCRQs (Start Control
Connection Request) sent from the LAC and SCCRPs (Start
Control Connection Reply) sent from the LNS.
: Is the same as the value for Remote Hostname of the
incoming tunnel setup message from the LAC.
Remote Hostname
Enter the host name of the LNS or LAC.
: Defines the value for Local Hostname of the LNS
(contained in the SCCRQs received from the LNS and the
SCCRPs received from the LAC). A Local Hostname con-
figured in the LAC must match Remote Hostname configured
for the intended profile in the LNS and vice versa.
: Defines the Local Hostname of the LAC. If the Remote
Hostname field remains empty on the LNS, the related profile
qualifies as the standard entry and is used for all incoming
calls for which a profile with a matching remote hostname
cannot be found.
Enter the password to be used for tunnel authentication. Au-
thentication between LAC and LNS takes place in both direc-
tions, i.e. the LNS checks the Local Hostname and the Pass-
wordcontained in the SCCRQ of the LAC and compares them
with those specified in the relevant profile. The LAC does the
same with the fields of the SCCRP of the LNS.
If this field remains empty, authentication data in the tunnel
setup messages are not sent and are ignored.
Fields in the LAC Mode Parameters menu.
18 VPN
Teldat GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2