Fig. 177:
Local Services
DHCP Server
DHCP Relay Settings
The menu Local Services->DHCP Server->DHCP Relay Settings consists of the follow-
ing fields:
Fields in the Basic Parameters menu.
Primary DHCP Server
Enter the IP address of a server to which BootP or DHCP re-
quests are to be forwarded.
Secondary DHCP Serv-
Enter the IP address of an alternative BootP or DHCP server.
21.5 Web Filter
In theLocal Services->Web Filter menu, you can configure a URL-based Web Filter ser-
vice, which during operation accesses the Proventia Web Filter from the company Internet
Security Systems (
) and checks how a requested Internet page is categorised
by the Proventia Web Filter. The action resulting from the classification is configured on
your device.
21 Local Services
Teldat GmbH
bintec Rxxx2/RTxxx2